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Moral Injury and the Crisis Ready Leader

Moral Injury

Physicians and healthcare workers work in a constant tension between serving their patients, their organization, and their own ethical/moral beliefs. The effects of this frustration are magnified with the naturally resilient and self-reliant attitude of many healthcare workers. Throw in COVID-19 and the intense stress of an ongoing pandemic with mass casualties, inadequate personal protective equipment, and highly vocal skeptics questioning the reality of the disease, and it is easy to see how these pressures can create an unhealthy work environment. The terms burnout and compassion fatigue frequently describe the overwhelming exhaustion and related symptoms experienced by those in the healthcare industry however, moral injury, the inability to deliver quality care, and desired results due to circumstances beyond the clinician’s control, maybe the real culprit. Learning the difference can be a game-changer for your staff. We’ve prepared an introductory video to help you do just that. 

The Crisis Ready Leader

In response to the present workforce challenges facing health systems, we now offer The Crisis Ready Leader training program. This unique approach combines asynchronous training along with Crisis Advisors who are assigned to work with your managers to equip and retain employees who are crisis ready. The future of healthcare will involve multiple opportunities to face a crisis. This tech-enabled training program is designed to provide your management team with the tools and knowledge to stabilize their workforce and lead through a crisis.

For more information, contact us here.